Seodaemun Prison History Hall

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Exhibition Hall 1F

Information Search Room

Various information on the Seodaemun Prison History Hall can be looked up and read.

Information Search Room

Prison History Room

This is the place where changes in Seodaemun Prison, records of violent colonial governing by Japanese Imperialists, and the forcible oppression of people within the democratic movement by the dictatorship after liberation and shows a video of pertinent records.

Prison History Room


The 80 years of history from 1908 to 1987 and its implications in Seodaemun Prison are shown in the video.
· Viewing time : Every hour and every 30 minutes.
· Length : 7 minutes


Exhibition Hall 2F

National Resistance Room ¥°

This room exhibits the status of the independence movement and the oppression of Japanese Imperialists from the end of the Daehan Empire to 1919 in relation to Seodaemun Prison.

National Resistance Room ¥°

National Resistance Room ¥±

This is a space of reminiscence to remember independence activists by exhibiting the records of their imprisonment.

National Resistance Room ¥±

National Resistance Room ¥²

This is a place to exhibit the independent movement from the March 1 Independent Movement in 1919 to liberation in 1945 in relation to the Seodaemun Prison, and it has data on independent activists who were imprisoned in Seodaemun Prison.

National Resistance Room ¥²

Exhibition Hall B1

Underground Torture Room

This is the space for interrogation located under of the Security Division Hall during colonialism by Japanese Imperialists. It exhibits the real scenes of various tortures done in the process of interrogating independent activists, and it has the voice testimony of independent activists who survived to show the reality of oppressive colonial ruling.

Underground Torture Room

Shadow Image Experiment

The face of visitors is projected in the video in the shape of a shadow to make him to be a person in the independent movement with this special video to experience the independent movement then.

Shadow Image Experiment

Central Prison Building

This is the building that monitored and controlled entire facilities by connecting to Prison Building No. 10, 11 and 12.

Central Prison Building

Office of Warder

This space has displayed the status of operation of Seodaemun Prison and reproduced and exhibited the warders.

Office of Warder

Life Style in the Prison

This space displays the scenes of meal times, clothing and the everyday living of prisoners and their records in imprisonment.

Life Style in the Prison

Prison Building

This is the original appearance of the prison building where independent activists and democratic movement activists were actually placed.

Prison Building

Prison Building No. 12

It has 3 single cells arranged within the facility and it has reproduced and exhibited encrypted communication for independent activists in ¡®Wall Tapping Communication¡¯, 'Independent Movement in the Cell¡¯ and others.

Prison Building No. 12

Prison Building No. 11

This space exhibits the cell structure and visitors may personally enter into the cell to experience the life of imprisonment.

Engineering Work Building

- This is the plant building where inmates labored in the Prison.

Engineering Work Building

Video of Laboring

This place shows a video of the fact that the Japanese Imperialists exploited the labor force of inmates to produce various goods and military supplies.

Video of Laboring

Labor Exhibition

This is the place that exhibits various types of labor, its record and relevant relics from the Prison during the Forcible Ruling Era by the Japanese Imperialists.

Labor Exhibition

Special Exhibition of Independent Activists of the Month

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs selects an independent activist of the Month each month and runs this exhibit all year long.

Special Exhibition of Independent Activists of the Month


· Work name : Pot with the Soul of Nation
· Artist : Lim Seung-O (2010)
This work was produced to remember and reminisce about the souls of those independent activists who sacrificed their lives while imprisoned in Seodaemun Prison. It has the projected names of those independent activists inside.


Execution Building

This is the building for executions. Numerous independent activists and democratic movement activists were sent to this place in the name of execution.

Execution Building

Corpse Removal Exit

After executing the independent activists by the Japanese Imperialists, they tried to conceal such acts through disposing of the corpse outside through this secret passage.

Corpse Removal Exit

Yoo, Kwan-sun Underground Cell

This is the building where women independent activists were held. Underground there is a single cell and it is on the site where the Patriotic Martyr Yoo, Kwan-sun died from fierce torture as she resisted against the Japanese Imperialists.

Yoo, Kwan-sun Underground Cell

Cook House

- This is the building where food was prepared for the inmates within the Prison and was restored in 2010.

Cook House

Exhibition of Cook House Relics

This is the place to conserve and exhibit the record and data of the boiler room as discovered at the time of restoring the kitchen and it exhibits various data and relics related to Cook House then.